Vacation, Here I Come!

Jun 26, 2015

We are headed out to the Chesapeake Bay next week, so expect life on the blog and social media to be a little less chatty than usual. Here’s a picture of the view from the house we rent with our close friends.

*Note: I’m actually calling this a “trip,” and not a vacation — between both families, there are four children under the age of five. I think it will be a wonderful week, but I may come back ready to return to work!

So, what’s on my Vacation To-Do List? Well, nothing with any time allocations or set schedule.

But I do have a list of what I hope to “accomplish.”

  • Bake this cake with my daughter and the other “big girl” on the trip
  • Take the rowboats out on the Bay
  • Assist everyone in completing our annual 1000 piece puzzle
  • Jump in the pool at least three times each day
  • Continue my IronGirl training with at least two runs
  • Make an amazing taco bar for Taco Thursday
  • Visit this ice cream shop in St. Michael’s at least twice
  • Not catch poison ivy or any of the other outdoor allergies that seem to plague me
  • Take a few naps
  • Wake up early to edit some chapters of The Together Leader (this is one vacation work habit I enjoy – it includes coffee, time to myself and the above view of the bay!)

I hope you are all getting some good rest and relaxation in this summer!