November Tips: Gatherings, Grace & A Giveaway!

Nov 7, 2021

Dear Together Friends, Fans, and Family,

Gatherings. Oh, my. As the holiday season approaches (and trust me, it is complicated over here in the Together-verse with my multiple religion, blended family, co-parent palooza), I’ve been thinking a lot about gatherings. Perhaps I’m inspired because I’m deep into this book whose author Priya Parker tells me, “Perhaps you, too, have new needs and realties that don’t fit with the template of gathering that you know.” As I get ready to host a few events in my home over the next few months and take a long-awaited trip to NYC to see some of my besties, I’m thinking intentionally about what I hope to accomplish. Is the purpose celebration? Connection? Survival?

Speaking of. . . now is a good time at work, too, to re-evaluate the purpose of your meetings, your process to prepare for them, and your sense of who should (and shouldn’t) participate. Our Meeting Matrix (see Chapter 5 of The Together Leader) can help you design gatherings that are truly in line with your priorities. Maybe you will find some meetings that can be shortened or eliminated? Or discover a meeting that should be happening that isn’t?

And while I’m on the topic of gatherings – both personal and professional –I also cannot resist some good old-fashioned project planning to ensure that I don’t forget the ice, we have food options for everyone, and the nametags are ready. Kidding on that last one. Maybe. Did you know our latest book can be used for personal plans too? And since I’m a bit out of practice with hosting (you’ll notice these links are all to gatherings from years past), I’m taking a page from my own book (Literally! Ha! Maia’s got jokes!) as I get ready for my book club’s book-ish holiday gathering. In fact, we would love to gift a few copies to some lucky readers. Hop on over to the blog to comment and enter to win a free copy of The Together Project Manager[Contest closes on Tuesday!] And if you missed our Together Talk about the new book, a recording is over here and class registration is here.

As the calendar year comes to a close (and yes, I finally ordered my 2022 version of this baby), this is your friendly reminder to look ahead now to January and February. My little guy turns 9 at the beginning of February, and it is time to set the party date!

#clipboardsandclogs #togetherforever


PS Listening to this (first episode features long-time team member Chrystie!), baking these (my children say you cannot taste the buckwheat flour!), excited by our friends in Newark with student tutoring, and laughing at this (which approximately ten different people sent me because. . . let’s just say, I sometimes forget when Sunbasket is going to show up!)

PPS I promise I will come up with a Tiny Together Gift Guide this year! Besides InkJoy pens and coffee, what is on your Together wish list this year? Write me here with allll the ideas for staff gifts, teacher tributes and more!

Together Treasure Box (From the Blog!)

Top Together Tributes

  • Top Reality Check: Know how many weeks comprise the average human lifespan? 4000. This article takes you through that calculation and how this knowledge might impact your approach to time management. Full disclosure: I haven’t read this book yet. It scares me, but I do love a Tiny To-Do list.
  • Top Resignation Reflection: Are your team members burned out? Check out these thoughts from our friend Jen on how to support employees when many are quitting their jobs. And then this open-source article full of possible antidotes. (Thanks to KHP for sharing!)
  • Top Tips for Teachers Today: Somehow this year seems harder than the past two! This blog post shows Kimberly Grayson, longtime Together friend over in Denver Public Schools, and her innovative and instructive journey to help her staff reconnect and process the past 18 months of trauma. And while we are at it, do you think schools should pay for teacher therapy? I’m for it!