I frequently parachute in to other people’s conference rooms for workshops, and sometimes upon my descent I land upon interesting signage that is actually quite helpful. We got some great corporate space at a recent workshop for Madison Metropolitan Public Schools, and when no one was looking, I snapped some pictures of their useful conference room signage.
Maia’s note: Sorry these pictures are a bit blurry. I was worried about getting busted by security.
The A/V Guide Sign: My favorite sign, since I actually USED it to set up our A/V. This baby had super clear instructions on how to use each piece of hardware and EVEN included pictures, clear verbs and bullet points.
The Supplies Sign: This was my second favorite sign. I could totally imagine entering for a meeting, not finding any “Flip chart paper,” but instead of panicking, knowing exactly how to get some!
The Effective Meeting Sign: I’m not sure how much play this one gets, but I still found it interesting. I’m guessing the entire company agreed to meeting norms, trained new hires, and maybe even reviews these practices before each meeting. That may be wishful thinking, but I like the messaging: “Meetings should be an intentionally good use of our time!”
As many of you plan this summer for next year’s configurations of classrooms, front offices, or supply closets, I hope you’ll find these ideas for clear signage, instructions and training to be helpful!