Dear Together Friends, Fans, and Family,
We know how hard it is out there for everyone right now. Whether you’re struggling with grief and loss, managing distance learning for your own children, or just plain-old exhausted from the uncertainty, we hear you. And we get it. And we aim to help.
Hot Off the (Virtual) Press
The Together Team is pleased to share our powerful and practical e-book, The Together Work-From-Home Teacher. This 100+ page booklet is designed to be read in one sitting. It’s full of photos, artifacts, templates, samples, and quotes from dozens of real-life working-from-home teachers across the K-12 continuum. It is on sale now for just $9, and it can be in your hands right-this-minute because we designed it for a digital download.
A Peek Inside the Book
Don’t worry – we know it’s hard to ingest any more information. That’s why we chocked the book full of bullet points, simple checklists, and inspiring pictures – without being Pinterest Perfect. Written with joy and energy (and my signature relentlessly annoying optimism and corny sense of humor!), The Together WFH Teacher is a practical pick-me-up for RIGHT NOW.
Maia & The Together Team