“Mom School – Lite” is still in session in Together-Land but it’s now mostly my first and fourth-graders on live Zooms each day and then working on follow-up tasks. And wouldn’t you know it, while I was unloading the dishwasher/feeding the cats/helping my fourth-grader log in, I happened to stroll by my first-grade boy online and found him changing his Zoom screen name to “yeah, yeah, yeah.”
We fixed THAT situation pronto, but his crimes did inspire me to investigate how Together Teachers handle “netiquette” with their students. I also want to fully acknowledge that some teachers are not even able to reach their students – and that is another whole challenge that brings me to tears.
But for those of you teaching online these days, it’s important to take the same amount of time to set rules and procedures as you would during the first week of school.
I have seen some short and sweet versions that are very technical, a la:
And I loved this one from MaryKate in Virginia. She notes,
“These agreements were collaboratively created with students after lots of boundary pushing and mishaps!”
I personally love the community-building focus here.
And here’s a district-wide example, with more details for secondary students. And no ALL CAPS to your teachers, too, please!
Back at the homestead, we’re still working on “Do Not Abuse the Chat Box.” Though the fourth-grader’s Zoom fluency sure came in handy when she helped my 70-year-old aunt share video on last night’s Heyck Family video call. . .