In our work, we are fortunate to see tons of Later Lists, like the models here and here. And as you know, The Together-Verse is all about organizing yourself in ways that work for YOU. So, you can imagine our delight when a recent The Together Leader course...
Dear Together Friends, Fans, and Family, I mean, does anyone else feel like they need to call this hotline right now? I certainly could use a positive pep talk from a kindergartener! With so many different domestic and international crises happening at once, my...
Much like everyone else on the East Coast, the first week “back” from school in January, was a bit. . . messy, shall we say? Whether you are figuring out school transportation, teacher coverages, quarantines or snow days, it seems harder than ever to be Together. Or...
Dear Together Friends, Fans, and Family, January was like a century long. But all tropes aside, is it really possible that I de-decked the house just a month ago? Between the gazillion snow days here in the DC area, daytime and evening Together courses, and general...
Among other things, during my 18+ days of quarantine and isolation in December, I got a little tiny bit stir-crazy. I generally kept myself together using this chart for the week. I was mostly feeling fine, if not a bit fatigued, and it was the holiday vacation. My...