More Together Clipboards

More Together Clipboards

I LOVE my clipboard. I often find myself printing my Outlook calendar and tossing it on a clipboard. I bring one to Girl Scout meetings. I certainly cannot teach without one. And whether you’re cleaning them out, admiring Sage’s awesome contraption, or...
George’s Weekly Worksheet and Tul System!

George’s Weekly Worksheet and Tul System!

I recently re-bumped into George, a decade-plus experienced teacher plus curriculum director for 3rd and 4th grades at Crescent City in NOLA. His Together Teacher system is impressive. George kindly sent me his school photo from this year! Hi, George! Given that I’ve...
The Panda Planner: From What-er to When-er!

The Panda Planner: From What-er to When-er!

During a summer training for Public Prep at the Riverside Church in Harlem, I finally spotted a Panda Planner. I’ve been meaning to write about these foreeevvvvvvver. Anoop, a middle school science teacher, was kind enough to open his pages and let us peer into his...
Graham’s Start Up School Leader System Tweak

Graham’s Start Up School Leader System Tweak

After I recently posted Graham’s “Ready to start the week!” picture on the Together Facebook page, many of you wanted to know more. So Graham, a founding school leader in Queens who is getting ready to open Forte Preparatory, agreed to let us in his business a bit....
Principal John’s Daily Worksheet

Principal John’s Daily Worksheet

Cody’s Weekly Worksheet caught a ton of hype on the blog, and so naturally I wanted to showcase a Daily Worksheet as well in case that happens to give more float to your boat. [Reminder: Produce a plan for either the entire week OR by day. Don’t do both. Overkill.] I...
Mike F.’s Fresh Take on the Moleskine

Mike F.’s Fresh Take on the Moleskine

It’s been so fun to go through all of my photos from this summer’s Together Tour. That’s how you got Jacob’s Traveling Whiteboard and Cody’s Updated Clipboard, plus fun pencil cases and beautiful views and other such sundry items. It’s been a long time since I’ve...