I’ve been watching with curiosity as the Bullet Journal trend explodes across my Instagram feed (seriously, try #bujo). I’m wondering how these “analog systems for the digital age” translate to a school environment. Thankfully, I bumped into two dedicated Bullet...
I meet a lot of folks who love to sketch plans on whiteboards, brainstorm mindmaps on chart paper, and generally be creative with their Togetherness Tools. The challenge with many of these approaches is they remain “stuck” in the room where the thinking happened. And...
I was in Southaven, Mississippi, a few weeks back (Sidenote: The band Korn was performing at my workshop venue the same evening), working with a great group of principals and other MS education leaders. In doing my usual peer-over-the-shoulder-stalking, you can...
As much as we love digital products here in Togetherland, we are also huge fans of various paper methods of organizing; see here, here, and here. So imagine my curiosity when I saw this nifty BestSelf Journal on Evan S.’s desk in New Orleans last month. I poked around...
Many of you know that I grew up in rural Maine in a town of 600 people. Life there could not be more different than my current one in the DC suburbs. It’s pretty hard to get back up to the homeland, but when my father turned 70 two weeks ago, I took my 5-year-old to...
Happy New Year! Better late than never, right? And I’m back with the coolest thing ever. Can’t find the perfect 2015 calendar at the office supply store? Well, build your OWN. Paper-based friends, there are a LOT of planners out there on the market. We’ve reviewed...