Covered in Cords

Aug 28, 2013

Confession: My name is Maia, and I love my gadgets.

I have my Kindle for reading, my laptop for working, my iPod for listening, my iPhone for chatting, and my iPad for wasting time.

I’m sure I could consolidate…but I like reading when I’m not online, listening to music without having access to email, working without being interrupted by a phone call, surfing without fear of a calendar alert popping up…and so on.

With each new device comes a new power cord. And now it seems I have amassed over a million of them. Mostly white, some black; some can be paired with their owner, some are orphans; some fallen behind my desk, some in a tangled heap all across it!

I love my gadgets, but I do not love all these cords!

I thought I was doing a good job by trapping them in this neat little case. But it was a mess. An embarrassing, tangled mess. I needed to do something fast.

I could have spent a gazillion dollars at the Container Store on this thing, but I wanted something inexpensive. And I could have created something beautiful like these, but I didn’t have the time.

I didn’t need PERFECT. I just needed a teeny bit more Together. So, on a whim, I ordered these: $8 little plastic lifesavers!

I used a black permanent marker to record the device name on each side and voila. . . mess no more!

I could definitely see using these nifty plastic thingees for Smartboard, overhead projector and speaker cords. Not to mention printers, laptops and more.

Heck, maybe I’ll tackle the black hole behind our TV! Or maybe not. #feelingprettyproudofmyself!

Discussion Question: How do you manage your cords?