How to Make a Great Last Minute Request

It happens. In all your Togetherness, there will be times when you have to make a last minute request of someone for some reason. I just had to make a bunch over the holiday break to get late-breaking copyedits of my book out the door! And then I received a last...

Tame the Beast Continues: Katie’s Email Folder System

Here in Together-land, we are continuing to slay the email beast, bit-by-bit. First, by setting routines like Will, then by managing expectations like Tony, and then by adjusting norms like New Orleans College Prep. Today, we will take a peek at yet another approach—a...

Briannon’s Key Three

nd. . . I’m back. The book broke my brain, but I’m slowly recovering and I’ve returned to the blogosphere! I have a new series lined up that I think you will love. . . After my Serial podcast hangover wore off, I went on something of a podcast binge. One of my...

Teacher Wellness: Continue The Summer Exercise Habit!

Y’all know I don’t do a lot of guest blog posts around here, but when I find a SUPER Together Teacher, I invite him/her to send a post my way. Maggie Goldstein has been a middle and high school teacher with KIPP for the past five years. While teaching, Maggie pushed...

September Giveaway: The Rechargeables by Tom Rath [CLOSED]

At the end of last month’s very popular interview with Tom Rath, I warned you I’d be back with more! Modeled after Eat Move Sleep, Tom wrote a wonderful children’s book called The Rechargeables. His story follows two children, Poppy and Simon, on their adventures in...

Author Interview: Tom Rath and the Key 3 – and a Free Giveaway!

So after all that dental-work-bulging-disc-poison-ivy drama, I’ve been on a bit of a health and wellness kick around here. This includes continuing to train for the IronGirl and doing The Whole 30 with my husband (EXCEPTION: cream in my coffee). My recent...

Lessons from the Grocery Store

Well, my little habit of taking pictures in inappropriate places may get me arrested, but until then, check out this latest find: A great innovation at my local Giant Supermarket! That’s right — a reshelving system. As a person who spends a not insignificant amount of...

Retreat of One: Is it Time?

Two of my favorite school leaders wrote me earlier this year about feeling completely overwhelmed toward the end of the school year. On the one hand, they face the immediacy of state and district testing, hiring new staff, report cards, parent conferences, student...