Shameless Plea: Vote for Me!

Friends, I know you are out there. I’ve never really entered a contest before (minus the National Meet Your Penpal Contest I won in middle school, but that is another story), and I’ve never really asked for your help. For years now, educators far and wide have been...

Guest Post: Keeping Up With the Paperwork – IEP Edition

Maia’s Note: I met Kristin Barnhart, a Learning Specialist and 5th Grade Team Leader in Nashville, a few years ago at a teacher-leader training, and I was WOW-ed by her Togetherness as a special educator. She is passionate about supporting all students to meet high...

Spotted: Middle School Classroom Organization

We are mostly geared toward TIME management for teachers, leaders, and other education professionals, but occasionally we veer into the world of STUFF! Most books on classroom, aka STUFF, organization seem to be geared toward cutesy elementary teacher organization (no...

Fire Drills: Safe and Efficient—and Color-Coded!

There are a ton of resources out there on running safe and efficient fire drills, like this great student-friendly rules chart.  And we all know that all teachers should keep on hand a ready-to-go copy of the grab-and-go class roster. But how can the person in charge,...

Systems for Special Educators (With a Free Download for You, Too!)

It’s no secret to me that special educators have a whole additional set of challenges when it comes to Togetherness – more paperwork, more moving between different classrooms or even different schools, more meetings, and more data – all the while wanting to do right...

Happy New Year + Build Your Own Planner

Happy New Year! Better late than never, right? And I’m back with the coolest thing ever. Can’t find the perfect 2015 calendar at the office supply store? Well, build your OWN. Paper-based friends, there are a LOT of planners out there on the market. We’ve reviewed...

Checklists #4: Breaking Down a Big, Big Thing

Welcome to the fourth installation of our Checklist Series. So far, we’ve written about standard operating procedures, field trips, and managing student data and stuff. For our next post, we welcome back fave guest-blogger Shelby, who’s awesomely sharing her approach...

Revisited: International Binder Week

Yep, it’s true: I’ve written before about International Binder Week. But I’m so into student and classroom organization that I can’t resist sharing some highlights from this year’s 2014 Binder Week at Harriet Tubman Charter School (part of Crescent City Schools) in...

Stevie Wonder and Strategic Multi-Tasking

I had a good weekend. Contrary to what you may believe, on the weekends, I have a strong aversion to lots of schedules, timelines, and plans. But like any person, I do have things I need to get done – both regular chores like boring errands as well as jobs particular...

Sharon’s Space Transformation

This summer in California’s Bay Area, I met Sharon, an incredible school leader. Her meeting agendas are amazing (more on that later!), she’s all about instruction, and she has a wicked sense of humor. Sharon, however, was plagued by one thing: a somewhat disastrous...