Product Review: Hapara

We recently asked a few teachers to share they ways they deal with version control*  issues and document sharing with students. Michelle K., in California, brought this great product to our attention: Here’s the official information: Hapara’s Teacher...

Outlook Tasks: A Teacher’s Best Friend

Today we have a guest post from one of my favorite Outlook gurus —Pam Bookbinder! You can read more about Pam at the end of the blog entry! _________________________________________________________________________ You know the saying, “diamonds are a girl’s best...

Set Up a Supply Station

A few months back, we showed off a Supply Station of commonly used medicines, cleaners, and important gizmos maintained by a school operations team. But what if your school is not so lucky to have such a team to swoop in to your rescue? What can you do to prevent...

Five Ways Schools Can Help Teachers Prioritize

You have a lot to do. I get it, because I do too. Here’s a little window into my ping-ponging brain to prove it (Enjoy!!): Do I write this blog that’s due tonight? Answer thousands of emails? Prepare dinner for the evening? Vacuum the crumbs staring at me from the...

Dropbox Love!

Some of you are fortunate to work in schools that provide you with a laptop or some kind of mobile productivity device. Others of you do not have such luxuries. So, outside of using flash drives, emailing documents to yourself, or keeping things in a million places,...

Conferring Tool #2: Evernote!

Welcome back, guest poster Shelby!  Please continue to wow us with your conferring genius: There’s another great option for conferring using a Together Teacher favorite: Evernote. We’ve featured Evernote on our blog a few times and it is really...

Conferring Tool #1: Confer!

And now, a guest post from our Together Teacher Coordinator, Shelby: When I taught K-2 guided reading and writing, I was constantly looking for a better way to keep track of my conference notes. I tried binders with tabs, clipboards, notebooks… and everything else...

Make the Most of Your Week Lesson #5: Faster and Smarter

Make the Most of Your Week Lesson #5: Faster and Smarter There are many definitions of efficiency out there, but we like this one best: “accomplishment of or ability to accomplish a job with a minimum expenditure of time and effort.” Of course, there are many, many...