More Together Classrooms

Here are a few neat photos of Together Classrooms I’ve seen recently in my travels. Thanks to Amanda and Crystal at The Prep Schools in Cleveland and the whole team at Collegiate Academies in New Orleans for providing such great material! Great way to neatly collect...

Together Space!

Ahhhhh, September. We greet you with fresh desks, organized bookshelves, and systems a plenty. This time last year, we posted a checklist of ideas for a Together Teacher Desk.  In 2013, we’re taking the “pictures are worth 1,000 words” approach…please enjoy! And get...

A Together School Leader and A Together School!

I recently spent time with the founding teachers of a charter school in Washington, DC. I was struck by the intentionality of the school leader, Mekia L., in setting up systems for Togetherness that will last her school, staff and students for years to come. Here’s me...

It’s the Little Things: Together Trick #1

I try to spend a good chunk of time each month visiting schools and shadowing teachers, looking for the systems and tricks folks use to make their buildings more “Together.” This post will kick off a series of Together Tricks on the little things school communities...

Routines. . . Not Just for your Students!

Most of us are heavily focused on teaching various routines to our students at the start of the school year: how to enter the classroom, how to hand in homework, procedures for using bathroom passes, ways to get classwork if absent, etc. We invest so much time up...

Mailbag: 170 Students and Drowning in Grading!

Dear Maia, I am a high school principal in Colorado, and some of my teachers have 170 students EACH. They are drowning in homework to grade. How on earth can they make this easier and more efficient? Kate S. ——————————————————————————————————————— Hi Kate, GREAT...

Write 300 words to win a free copy of The Together Teacher!

One of the biggest differentiators between Together Teachers and less-Together Teachers is how they empower their students to take real responsibility in the classroom. Now, before you start picturing Kindergarteners feverishly grading essays with red pens, I want to...

For You and Your Students: Make Every Minute Count

Katie, a third grade teacher in Wisconsin, has already attended TWO Together Teacher workshops in her two-year teaching career! Katie chose to attend a Together Teacher workshop shortly into her first year of teaching because she felt unproductive, overwhelmed, and...

August Tips: Book Release, Bobcats and Birthdays! (plus Barbie!)

Dear Together Friends, Fans, and Family Happy August! Happy Back-to-School! Happy Almost 46th Birthday to Maia! (peanut butter covered malt balls and fancy popcorn welcomed!) Happy Pub (lication) Month for The Together Teammate! After an intense few weeks of Together...