Friends, I didn’t mean to go away. It has only happened a few times (here and here)! May was a WHIRLWIND of Teacher Appreciation Week, travel to Camden, New York City, Madison, and Oakland, my daughter’s seventh birthday, and a host of other events! And after all that, my systems desperately need a re-set! We know the power of a Meeting with Myself. And it’s likely you all have also adopted your own quirks, preps, and little hacks to help you feel ready to take the week by force.
Here are five things that somehow make me feel personally prepared for the week ahead!
- Meals written in the family Google calendar. We’re back on a Blue Apron kick two nights a week, and we’ve found a few other rhythms here and there. But making meals official on the calendar helps me visualize food and work commitments side by side. Late night = Crockpot. Maia traveling = husband eats stuff from freezer. Deadline: The Friday before.

Our family Google calendar!
- The Command Center set up. This means my whiteboard schedule is laid out and any teacher or playdate notes are written and hung up. This helps keep my husband, our babysitter, the kids, and me all on the same page for the week! Do things change? Of course, but it helps to see the layout in advance. PS All of these items are also in our family Google calendar, but the first-grader likes this visual. Deadline for completion: Sundays when my husband is at basketball.
- Exercise scheduled. Over the past few years, I’ve discovered that exercise gives me a ton of energy and other benefits. However, my schedule is anything but typical. Some weeks I travel, some weeks I don’t; I’m on trains, airplanes, and Ubers. This means carefully considering my calendar and energy levels, signing up for any cycling classes, planning runs with my neighbor, checking the weather, and even laying out clothes to make sure exercise happens.
- Writing time planned. Writing is so, so hard for me. My fellow author and I lament this on a regular basis via text. Before a workweek begins, I MUST block and detail my writing time. This means saying EXACTLY what I will do in my Outlook calendar. Otherwise, these precious chunks of time turn into checking vacuum cleaner reviews on Amazon.

Blocking my time and detailing tasks in Outlook
- Inbox reasonably tamed. I don’t love Inbox Zero, but I also don’t like to let people down! I try to practice Yesterbox instead (emphasis on the word try). I typically like to clear out Friday’s emails (and any other pesky lingerers!) before the next week starts. This may just be me, but when I feel emails lurking deep in my inbox on Monday morning, it causes me psychic stress!
How do YOU get ready for a week?