I met Cloi, a wonderfully Together first-grade teacher, at a recent training here in DC. From the moment we met, I was drooling over her Together Tools. There is much to share, but I honed in on her paper-based Weekly Worksheet with a focus on her ROUTINES. Here’s a...
Now that I’m the parent of an elementary school student, I’m always on the lookout for ways to help my five-year-old with her own Togetherness — otherwise known as executive functioning. My brilliant friend, Analisa B., recently described the challenge she faced,...
This August, I was frequenting Target at least once a week for last minute vacation amusements, birthday gifts, camp clothes for kids, and so on. While I do keep a Target list housed in Evernote, my husband and I never seem to synch up to tag team our visits. On one...
Friends, it’s travel time! Last summer I wrote about my travel drama, my packing list, eating clean while on the road, and reality reentry. Just this past week, I’ve been to Colorado Springs, Camden, and NYC (this one was a fun detour with my college pals), so it’s...
A few weeks back in NYC, I bumped into my old friend, Diana H., a curriculum designer at Relay Graduate School of Education. She raved about how she’d resurrected the habit of holding a Weekly Meeting with herself. Diana uses her Weekly Round-Up time to plan her...