The Case for the Visual, Analog Calendar

The Case for the Visual, Analog Calendar

You guys know that I’m all about a portable Comprehensive Calendar. And by portable, I mean it is ALWAYS with you, whether scribbled in an old-school Franklin Covey planner or stored totally digitally in the my-iPhone-6-is-glued-to-my-body kind of way. And every...
Calendar Versus To-Do List: The Battle Marches On

Calendar Versus To-Do List: The Battle Marches On

I wrote awhile back about how to decide what to put on your Calendar versus what to add to your To-Do List. Now it seems about time for a pop quiz to test the systems. As a finalist judge for Teach for America’s Annual Social Innovation award, I recently received a...
The Epic Battle: Calendar Versus To-Do List

The Epic Battle: Calendar Versus To-Do List

I’ve been grappling with this issue for quite some time. In the battle between your Calendar and your To-Do list, who wins? Gurus like David Allen usually land in the “list camp,” whereas folks from the “calendar camp,” like Stephen Covey, tell you to start with...
Happy New Year + Build Your Own Planner

Happy New Year + Build Your Own Planner

Happy New Year! Better late than never, right? And I’m back with the coolest thing ever. Can’t find the perfect 2015 calendar at the office supply store? Well, build your OWN. Paper-based friends, there are a LOT of planners out there on the market. We’ve reviewed...
Standard Operating Procedure: Make a Checklist

Standard Operating Procedure: Make a Checklist

This will come as no surprise, but I love me a good checklist. In fact, Atul Gawande’s The Checklist Manifesto is one of my favorite books of the past five years. Recently, a principal asked me for my thoughts on creating checklists for standard times of the day or...