Make It Pretty and Personal: Erin Condren Planners

Make It Pretty and Personal: Erin Condren Planners

I got to see one of my favorite Together Teachers (and now Together Leaders!), Jocelyn G., in Boston last week. I’ve known Jocelyn for almost five years now, so I’ve gotten to see multiple iterations of her systems over time. One of her most recent adaptations is...

I Will Not Take Away Your Notebook, I Promise!

I admit I did write about ditching your notebook awhile back. But I’m here to say my intent is NOT to rip your notebook out of your hands. Just like if you love your planner, we only have to make your tool work for you. Meet Sam, an inclusion specialist in Washington,...
Pump Up the Planner

Pump Up the Planner

I can count on two things happening in just about every teacher workshop I lead: 1. Someone proudly whips out an insanely organized paper-based planner that has every detail of his or her life meticulously color-coded. Then, he/she typically shakes his/her fist at me...
Google: Going the Extra Mile

Google: Going the Extra Mile

I recently connected with Ann Bevan H., a middle school leader at a great school in Chestnut Hill, MA. She let me in on how her school takes Google usage to a whole new level. What Beaver Country Day School thinks is so cool about technology is the way it is used to...
A Together School Leader and A Together School!

A Together School Leader and A Together School!

I recently spent time with the founding teachers of a charter school in Washington, DC. I was struck by the intentionality of the school leader, Mekia L., in setting up systems for Togetherness that will last her school, staff and students for years to come. Here’s me...