Togetherness: Part efficiency, part self-care, part productivity, and part paper-sorting. That said, here is our list of favorites from 2017 to help anyone in your life (teachers, colleagues, and heck, even spouses!) get it Together!
As someone who FULLY PILLAGES her teacher-husband’s gift loot, I consider myself a qualified expert on teacher holiday gifting! And to be clear, I don’t think teachers EXPECT gifts, but it is nice to thank the teachers in your life in some kind of thoughtful way. . . along with your crossing guard, bus driver, and other helpful people.
Something They Want
Of course, watch and observe the deserving teacher for his or her preferences, but here are a few ideas to get you started:
- A gift card to Starbucks, iTunes, Amazon, Barnes & Noble (or a local independent book store), or any other spot for a special treat. And if you know your teacher’s personal preferences, a restaurant gift certificate, or a subscription to a magazine or meditation app is also always appreciated.
- Personalized stationery for notes to parents, students, family and friends.
Something They Need (This may be my favorite section!)
I surveyed some of my favorite experienced teachers, and got back these great suggestions:
- Ashley G. in Brooklyn reminds us that personalized fanny packs always go a long way!
- A 30-sided die. Julie Ann says, “This was one of the best gifts I ever got, perfect for cold-calling by number! The kids were also fascinated by it.”
- George in New Orleans votes for some kind of alternative seating, like this.
Something To Eat
- How about a delicious nibble over the holidays or desk stock for long days? Note: Some teachers report that homemade eats may go untouched.
- S’well water bottles are always useful! And Contigo coffee mugs are always a win!
Something To Create
- Emily B. in Dallas says a personal laminator could go a long way in her classroom!
- Ashley G. in Brooklyn says flair felt tip pens remain all the rage with her teachers.
- Julie Ann opts for the best stapler on earth.
Something To Warm The Heart
- Student photos turned into canvas prints.
- A heartfelt thank you note, as simple or as super creative as these.
Your gift doesn’t have to be big, but it should be thoughtful. Let’s make it happen! Happy shopping and happy giving!